WatchSeries and WatchSoMuch Streaming Websites Shut Down by ACE

watchseries and watchsomuch shut downThe popular WatchSeries and WatchSoMuch streaming websites have been shut down by ACE.Both of these names are some of the most popular streaming sites with millions of monthly visitors.We want to know your thoughts after reading this story in the comments below. What do you think of ACE’s latest shutdown of these streaming sites?Drop a comment below this post! is the exact domain that was targeted by ACE, and this website reportedly contained over 10,000 movies, 60,000 TV episodes, and received over 7 million visits per is the other pirate domain confiscated by ACE that provided similar content as WatchSeries. This website received over 6 million visits per month.watchsomuchAccording to the official press release from ACE, they stated the following on this shutdown:
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“Both domains, which affected all ACE members, are offline following ACE’s enforcement actions. ACE’s trusted notifier agreements and outreach to domain name registries and registrars led to the domains’ suspension.”It only seems this constant game of “whack a mole” with streaming website shutdowns will continue.After doing some further research, we found several other “mirrors” of both the WatchSeries and WatchSoMuch websites. This isn’t the first time copyright authorities have released lists of piracy websites and services on their radar.US Government Releases List of Top Pirate SitesACE & MPA Target Streaming Sites in 2021

Will Users of WatchSeries or WatchSoMuch be Contacted?

It’s uncertain what’s happening behind the scenes with this latest targeting of the WatchSeries and WatchSoMuch streaming sites.We’ve seen pirate website operators in the past hand over user data, streaming history, and identifying IP addresses when investigated by copyright authorities. They’re also known to sell this sought-after information to other third parties.It’s extremely important to only stream content not protected by copyright and protect yourself with a VPN.For 100% legal and verified streaming options, you can view the popular guides below.What do you think of this latest shutdown of WatchSeries and WatchSoMuch?Leave a Comment Below!Be sure to stay up-to-date with the latest streaming news, reviews, tips, and more by following the KODIFIREIPTVAdvisor with updates weekly.This Advisor provides all the best cord-cutting tips to get the most out of your favorite streaming devices and more.Click the link below to join the other 800,000 Advisor subscribers.Free KODIFIREIPTVAdvisorLegal Copyright Disclaimer: KODIFIREIPTVis a tech website that publishes tutorials, news, and reviews. We do not verify if apps, services, or websites hold the proper licensing for media that they deliver. We do not own, operate, or re-sell any streaming site, service, app, or addon. Each person shall be solely responsible for media accessed and we assume that all visitors are complying with the copyright laws set forth within their jurisdiction. Referenced applications, addons, services, and streaming sites are not hosted or administered by TROYPOINT.

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