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  1. Hi a little off topic but I’ve been having a problem with my fire stick
    I connected my ps4 controller to the Firestick to play a game. The next day I was only able to use the ps4 controller to control the fire tv and I couldn’t use the fire stick remote at all to control it. Whenever I pressed a button on the fire stick remote there would be a yellow light that flashes. I wanted to use the ps4 remote to control my ps4 but whenever I turned it on it would always reconnect to my fire tv. I tried to connect my fire tv remote to the fire tv by restarting it and trying to unpair the ps4 controller but it never worked. So basically I can’t use my ps4 because the remote is only connected to my fire tv, and I can’t use the fire remote either. I’ve tried things like holding the home button, the menu button, the select button etc and the yellow light always flashes. The longer I hold a button the faster it flashes. I can disconnect the ps4 remote but I can’t unpair it. Hopefully that made sense but do u know how to get everything back to normal?