If your Firestick remote volume controls are not working on your TV, here are some things you can try to fix the issue:

Check compatibility: Make sure that your TV supports the HDMI-CEC feature, which allows devices to communicate with each other through the HDMI connection. This feature is required for the Firestick remote volume controls to work.

Enable HDMI-CEC: Go to Settings – Display & Sound – HDMI-CEC and ensure that the “Device Control” and “Volume Control” options are turned on.

Restart the Firestick: Sometimes a simple restart can fix the issue. Go to Settings – My Fire TV – Restart to restart the Firestick.

Reset the remote: Remove the batteries from the remote and then press and hold the Home button for 30 seconds. This will reset the remote and you can then reinsert the batteries and pair it with the Firestick.

Check TV settings: Some TVs have separate settings for HDMI-CEC and volume control. Make sure that these settings are turned on and properly configured.

Use the TV remote: If none of the above solutions work, you may need to use the TV remote to control the volume.

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