Kodi Lee Wows You With A Historical Music Moment! – America’s Got Talent 2019 REACTION VIDEO ========================================================
DramaSydE- Artist/Producer/Audio Engineer/Content Creator

CEO of Bypoeleur Entertainment LLC

Owner Of Bypoeleur Clothing:

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  1. Being Blind and Autistic isn't a label it is his diagnosis. He is a musical savant but being blind has honed his sense of hearing (well all of them, actually), and being Autistic has given him a perspective on life that we can never appreciate. People call them labels but I don't. I have an Intellectually challenged daughter, but when she was dx they called it Mentally disabled and before that retard. These are all words that people have twisted to be negative. The 'labels' help open doors for support and treatment that may not be otherwise available. So don't dwell on the words or the dx…regardless of them, pure beautiful talent will shine through.