WORLDWIDE EXCLUSIVE! Kodi’s new original single, CHANGE lyric video! This powerful new song screams out for people to be better, move with kindness and love, fight hate and cyber-bullying to make the world a better place for everyone. We are all different and unique and all of us have a special light within us that makes us all amazing! It’s time to stop judging and join together to embrace the power of humanity and love.

Listen and Download today:

The Team:
Vocals: Kodi Lee
Piano & Backup Vocals: Kodi Lee
Writers: Kodi Lee, Blake Wisner, Desiree Borges
Producers: Blake Wisner, Danny Couture
Mastered by: Danny Couture
Other contributing team members: Tina Lee, Eric Lee, Derek Lee & Kayla Lee

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  1. I love your music, you are talented, you are an inspiration to everyone around you, you can help change the way how people might see autism and people who might be blind, you may not be able to see music but the way how you feel music is what touches your heart and I think that’s very beautiful. You are a handsome young man