In this video we walk you though automating the process of updating apps on the firestick.

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  1. I have a USB drive for added external storage. Most if not every time I attempt to update an app installed on the external storage, it fails due to insufficient space. I still have 540 mb of available internal space and 111 GB of 113 gb of external space available. Thus far, to update an app on external storage, I have to delete the app, download and install it again, and do any required steps for the app to work again like login or connect to my Directv account. Any help?

  2. I am getting a notification: Music. Media playback. I have to continually dismiss the notification. I made the notification, as you suggested, to off so I will see if this cures the problem. A YouTuber in England addressed this issue but you had to download something to make it disappear.