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Ankapur Country Natu kodi Curry | Ankapur Chicken Making | Anchor Niruapama | @sumantvtelugulive
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  1. అంత chicken కి 4 spoons కొబ్బరి వేస్తే కూర తీపి వస్తుంది.1 spoon కొబ్బరి సరిపోతుంది.చేసే విథానం అంతా special ఏమి కాదు పైన వేడి నీళ్ళు పోశాడు అది different అంతే.

  2. That’s a very basic concept to cook free range Chicken in Telangana ! I don’t know why Suman TV exaggerating it!!
    He cooked a free range chicken with onions and spices with dash of coconut I don’t understand what’s special in it?
    This is purely money making dramas from Suman TV. That guy who is making the curry must be paid less than 15K but with the views Suman Tv makes more. So please dislike this corporate shit!! Stop watching this shit!! You are not helping a poor guy who’s cooking the chicken you helping a rich guy to make more rich!
    If you really want to know the recipes encourage the YouTubers who are passionate about cooking ! At least they are not millionaires!!