In this video, we will show you how to integrate Auto IPTV Panel into your WordPress selling website. If you have had challenges with this process, then this video is for you. We will take you through the 5 easy steps required for successful integration, which include:

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📧 Email : [email protected]

✅Step 1: How to Integrate Webhook into WordPress
In order to transfer your WordPress order details to Auto IPTV Panel, it is necessary to integrate a webhook. In the following instructions, we will guide you through the process of setting this up.

👨‍💻PHP Code for sync webhook:
Please contact Auto Panel admin in Telegram group

✅Step 2: Auto Panel Setting: Add Server
Once you have integrated the webhook into your WordPress, the next step is to register your server information on Auto IPTV Panel. This step is crucial in order to enable the acceptance of webhooks originating from your WordPress.

✅Step 3: Auto Panel Setting: Add an Email Template
In order to send delivery emails to your customers, it is necessary to upload your delivery email template, trial email template, and renew email template. In the following instructions, we will focus on demonstrating how to upload your delivery email template.

✅Step 4: WordPress Product/Attribute/Variation Setting
The following instructions will guide you on how to configure your WordPress product, attribute, and variation settings.

✅Step 5: Wait for Approval
Once you have finished the previous steps, you will need to wait for approval from the site administrator.
🌐 Website:
💬 Telegram :
📧 Email : [email protected]

Follow these steps to ensure that your WordPress website sends order information to Auto IPTV Panel without delay, register your server info, and set up an email template on the auto panel. Subscribe to our channel, like, and share this video with others who might need it. Contact us if you have any questions. Let’s get started!

#autoiptvpanel #wordpress #iptv

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