Brian Banda Amayo Tikufa Kodi chakwera alikuti ?

The team at Kodi Fire IPTV strongly suggests that you use a VPN at all times.
Be it for browsing, watching Kodi, watching IPTV or anything else – the one that we recommend is Hidden Router. They provide you with very fast speeds, that can reach over 400Mbps, and their VPN service is as low as $6 per month (when paid for 2 years)!
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  1. Brain ali mkuchikamwa kodi amafuna President wamtundu wanji kweni kweni kunali peter koma nde kunali kumutengetsa lero ndi awa akungolongololave kufusa mafuso azifukwa nthawi zose ngatiiye bdiye olungama nthawi iha anali ku state house anayamba kale kuveka nkhani zakatangale mpaka lero amafuna kuoneka ngati dolo aaaaa uyu mkapolo wamunthu

  2. Malawians have no air planes ✈️ and wherever the president is he can’t leave because he has to use local airports and planes by local routes bwanji atolakhani simutha kufotokozera anthu zenizeni mukufuna kusokoneza dziko ndi nkwiyo osafunikira Brian jonarism yanu mukufuna kuti anthu adzikwiya all the time. We need to encourage people and help people to heal this is a disaster and nobody can’t expect a disaster this is an accident by nature. We are all affected. 😢 we need to respond quickly the same way like the government chidwi chikhale chatonse tiyeni tigwirane manja.

  3. Vuto la ifeyo amalawife sitimaziwa chomwe timafuna ndikhulupilila Kuti achakwera akanatenga ndege ya herokopita ya silikali ija kupita ukuku kukayendera bweziso ena akuyankhula Kuti akungowonongera wonongerabe ndalama Ku south Africa atavuta madzi tsogoleri anayenda pa herokopita komatu kunalibe otukwana