-When your Fire Stick remote is blinking orange it means it is stuck in discovery mode and is trying to connect.

To fix this you need to factory reset your remote by simultaneously pressing the Back button, Menu button (three horizontal bars), and the Left Navigation Circle button for at least 10 seconds.

00:00 – start
00:33 – factory reset firestick remote
02:45 – troubleshooting a firestick remote that is still blinking orange
06:08 – use Fire TV app as temporary remote

If you’re still seeing a blinking orange light on your remote, you can try the following:

-Avoid interference with other devices
-Make sure your remote is 3 meters (10 feet) or less away from your Fire Stick device
-Check your AAA remote batteries and make sure they are working
-If you have multiple Fire TV devices in your home, make sure your remote is not accidentally pairing to them
-If your smart TV has 7 or more devices connected, try disconnecting several and then repairing your remote
-Check all of your TV and Fire Stick device connections
Make sure you’re running the latest Fire Stick software for both your TV and remote

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  1. Thank you, brother, for posting this! I truly owe A LOT to you. After watching 10+ videos and spending 2hrs. last night on this, nothing worked; however, in the first try after watching your intro video, it is once again connected. Thanks again. GODSPEED!