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  1. For Kuro tv, Just download the app downloader and put in the code 195727 and click install. Here is step by step guide just in case. Once app is installed and if your screen is black click on the arrows in the upper hand corner. https://www.google.com/amp/s/seo-michael.co.uk/how-to-install-kuro-on-firestick/amp/
    If you have a better suggestion please drop it in the comments. Drop some solutions on what works, rather than step on what someone else came up with. I had no intentions on finding another app because nothing else compares to fire anime. I did this out the kindness of my heart, this was just supposed to be an awareness video. I get KURO TV, has flaws, but if u got something better drop it in the comments or make you a video on what works. We can criticize but let's also come up with answers too lol