
The team at Kodi Fire IPTV strongly suggests that you use a VPN at all times.
Be it for browsing, watching Kodi, watching IPTV or anything else – the one that we recommend is Quad VPN. They provide you with very fast speeds, while keeping you protected. They can also unblock most streaming sites in the US and UK!!
Grab your own Quad VPN and regain your online privacy now!


  1. Ok hey guys great build we love the doomzday kodibuild but just need to make the skin better ok on the sports make it a little difrent ok and more reliable I'm add a better livetv widget ok and faster working add-ons add a TVGuide the best there is and the pvr mad simpler client make sure it install quick once you download the build all that should be install with it ok and just press play on the channel you like great build we love it and the kiss build also needs an update to make it better ok with a better looking skin ok add the best add-ons this doomzdaywizard is the best with the best builds better than the funsterwi hard and tech Nick got great builds with the pvr cli butent live tv and movies and sports the doomzday got the best anyway just love to see the best of the best here on doomzday ok well thanks and the flixbuild and the small build add livetv a pvr ok please thanks God bless you….