The team at Kodi Fire IPTV strongly suggests that you use a VPN at all times.
Be it for browsing, watching Kodi, watching IPTV or anything else – the one that we recommend is Hidden Router. They provide you with very fast speeds, that can reach over 400Mbps, and their VPN service is as low as $6 per month (when paid for 2 years)!
Grab your own Hidden Router and regain your online privacy now!


  1. Thank you for showing the videos and thank you for Playing Carol Carol duty next night I appreciate it I enjoy watching the video game That made my day For you taking the time out to play the game Thank you for showing your videos and taking the time out to do it for us You are a good person Thank you wife and kids For letting you take the time out to do this for us Thank you again Keep bringing on videos And play More games You And your family stay safe God-bless you and your family I'll give you triple 50000 thumbs up