Diggz Xenon Plus build Dec 8 2021 walk through
working through errors
Firestick specific information

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===== Chapter Select =======

0:00 Build Preview
1:51 Installing the build
12:02 Firestick info
15:24 Video addon install


Xbox Kodi Build that works ( Kodi 19.3 )

The team at Kodi Fire IPTV strongly suggests that you use a VPN at all times.
Be it for browsing, watching Kodi, watching IPTV or anything else – the one that we recommend is Hidden Router. They provide you with very fast speeds, that can reach over 400Mbps, and their VPN service is as low as $6 per month (when paid for 2 years)!
Grab your own Hidden Router and regain your online privacy now!


  1. Thank you for leaving out all the garbage (like plugging a VPN that I don’t want to pay for) that all of the other videos I’ve watched seem to do. And especially the last part where you showed how to select specific add-ons. You’ve earned a subscription from me.