Developer of a popular Kodi addon and build handed a 2.5 year jail sentence in the latest Streaming News. Learn more by watching this video!
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The owner of the addon was jailed for the involvement of online piracy.



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  1. Am I supposed to feel sorry for a greedy corporation for sending a man to jail for just directing you to a place of streams? There are much bigger issue's going on in the world right now. Way more shady stuff going on in the background. Governments, corporations, Pandora Papers, lobbying. Youtube removing the dislike button? I say let them burn!

  2. I guess the How are you don’t have nothing better to do. What about real criminals drug dealers and human trafficking wich is a huge problem everywhere. And thepick on something so absolutely petty. Go get some more donuts your jerks. I wish I could vent more but can’t on you crap im YouTube

  3. The police and the judicial system are responding to a complaint as they are required to do. Whichever multinational initiated the action in the first place are the thugs and morally bankrupt IMO. In reality the plugin would have had a negligible effect on their bottom line. This is the behaviour of thugs in suits hiding behind their little legal finger.

  4. well the states a governments want us to stay home because of these viruses that are going the nation and millions are still without jobs with very little money to get by on just enough to pay bills my opinion is that they're mad because they couldn't do this or even think about it lol

  5. It's funny how they care more about people trying to avoid the outrageous prices of cable rather than going after terrorists, murderers, mobsters, drug dealers but I guess big money(bribes) from the cable companies dictate their priorities.

  6. Is that why dejavu and numbers and all the good add ONS are down ?!? Why is he going to fuckin prison for leaking movies r u kidding me?! He don't even make money off it I don't think…that's retarded and we r all at risk of jail for just watching the movies u know that right