How to Install Diggz Xenon on Kodi 19.3 (Matrix) – Not compatible with xbox


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  1. I got it loaded and it's a very nice looking build. After getting it loaded I spent about two hours on it and nothing would play. I tried movies and tv shows. One time I got as far as a tv show down to episodes but it would not play anything.
    The other issue is SLOW, SLOW, SLOW. I have 500M ethernet and no way it should so slow. When looking at a list of movies or tv shows it takes 3-5 minutes to go to the next page.
    The "working" box will be burned in to my lower right corner of my tv since every time you click on something it's "working"
    What is the secret to make it work cause it looks like it would be nice to use.

  2. Anytime I'm trying to download stuff to my firestick. I try to minimize all devices I'm not using at the moment. It always seems to help. The most important thing I learned was patience patience patience. Once I got the patient's down everything fell into place. This build was one of the smoothest ones I worked on. Excellent video thank you so much.