400gb Retropie setup is pretty cool. Schoomer drops this updated hand selected ALL games working 400gb raspberry pi 4 image. Lets check it out! The best of the best games. All arcades running mame 2010, and lots of ps1 and sega dreamcast, Naomi, more nintendo 64, amiga 1200 and more! This time with a retro video player as well! 2play base image.

Build: The Big Schmoo!
on backups.me (355.47 GB)

What you need:
Raspberry Pie 4 1.5GHZ KIT |
400gb micro sd |
8BitDo Flagship |

–Preferred Amazon products–

— Preferred Pi Products —
Raspberry Pie 4 1.5GHZ KIT |
Raspberry Pie 3 B+ 1.4GHZ KIT |
Raspberry Pie 3 1.2GHZ KIT |
Raspberry Pie Zero W KIT |
512gb micro sd |
400gb micro sd |
256gb micro sd |
128gb micro sd |
64gb micro sd |
32gb micro sd |

— Preferred Pi Controllers —
8BitDo Flagship |
Do Everything Wireless Controller |
Classic SNES Style |
Slick Controller Wi U |
Serious Contender |
I’m broke but wanna game |
Most Compatible |

Capture Card |
Computer |
WebCam |
Headset |
Mic |
Tripod |
Good light:
Headset |
Nice SLR Camera |
Nice SLR Camera Lens |
Keyboard |
Mouse |
Backdrop support |
Green Screen |

**This video is for educational purposes-

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  1. Great vid and awesome build. I enjoy your videos and have to say that I got into the whole retro gaming scene because of this channel. I'm looking for base build images (no roms) for RPI4. I'm testing Batocera, Recalbox and Retropie. Backups website needs a code to register. Do you know where i can get one? I'm familiar with Arcadepunk, but as explained, i just need the base image as i already have my rom collection and just want a preconfigured image. Thanks a ton!