Kodi Tingapeze kuti Moyo Wofunika Kwambiri Umene Tidzakhala Kosatha?
Kudzera m’Baibulo, Mulungu adatiphunzitsa momwe tingakhalire moyo wamtengo wapata womwe umatilola ife kulandira ulemerero wa Kumwamba.

Khristu Ahnsahnghong ndi Mulungu Amayi Atidzwitsa Phindu la Kumwamba
Monga madzi ndi ofunika kwambiri kuposa golide woyenga bwino mu chipululu ndi m’busa ndi ofunika kwambiri kuposa mfumu kwa nkhosa yosochera, ziwalo za Mpingo wa Mulungu, amalemekeza ziphunzitso za Pangano Latsopano monga Sabata ndi Paska,zomwe zitha kutsogolera ife ku Ufumu Wakumwamba..

[Ahebri 9:27–28]
Ndipo popeza kwaikikatu kwa anthu kufa kamodzi, ndipo atafa, chiweruziro; kotero Khristunso . . . adzaonekera pa nthawi yachiwiri, wopanda uchimo, kwa iwo amene amlindirira, kufikira chipulumutso.

[Kanema uyu ndi wotsindikizidwa ndi Gulu la Utumiki wa Dziko lapansi la Mpingo wa Mulungu. Malo osalolezedwa kapena kugawa ndi koletsedwa.]

〖World Mission Society Church of God〗
〖 WATV Media Cast 〗
〖Church of God Introduction〗

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  1. 사람들은 저마다 가치를 두고 살아가고 있습니다 없어질 가치를 두고 살아가고 있지요 하지만 엘로힘 하나님께 가치를 두고 구원에 가치를 두고 살아가는 우리들은 없어지지 아니할 영원한 가치 천국을 위해 살아갑니다 새언약 안식일,유월절 가치가 최고입니다 Thanks to God

  2. When we keep the truth of the New Covenant such as Sabbath and Passover and the feasts of God, we can get heaven. The most valuable thing in our life is to receive the kingdom of heaven. So the teachings of Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother is to lead us to the heaven. Let's follow God's word and live forever in heaven.