This is the beggining of my search for the right path. Part of me wants to do it on my own,and part of me wants to take the easy route and just become an affiliate of a service and make money that way

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  1. Finally someone that's willing to show how to start your IPTV business, i totally get what you're saying about not working for someone else. It's about being your own boss , please continue to update us on your journey. I would love to see you succeed , cause I'm a current reseller but wanna have my own servers , my own APK , my own business. GOOD LUCK

  2. If you learn everything from the ground up you don't need to pay for credits at all. All you need is plain text and a hosting site. or use these as control panel to turn on and off the cable. This is cheapest method ever. Build up your text channels in a notepad. Then upload to any of those 2 sites. To hide the links, upload the URL to when you click on the link you cant expose the channels. Small form of protection.

  3. Here's free hosting You have no control of it tho. That's why I suggested pastebin or opendrive. Just upload your m3u text at the site. Then you copy the URL to that file. That link will work in any iptv application. The link can stay alive up to 42 days on Get a pastebin or opendrive account to have control of it. If you wanna make a vod playlist. Upload all mp4 files at upload a movie. Then copy the middle url on the website. Trim off the first part so the link start off as https://. After that copy the link inside your iptv text file. All channels start like this. #EXTINF:-1,Title then below paste the movie link you got from Anything you host on that site can last up to 30 days absolutely free. When all the movies disappear from your playlists. Reupload them,lol. It's a free method to make vod playlist.