This video shows the CinemaVision add-on working on Kodi 18.6
The add-on is a task sequence based script that plays a combination of locally stored and/or stream sourced videos, known as video buffers.

The CinemaVision logo buffers are stored on my NAS drive and always play.

The first Vue Cinema video buffer always plays… because I like it!

The trailers are determined by the feature movie. Age rating and genre are matched, usually the Studio too. My CinemaVision setup plays the first plays a trailer for an unwatched movie in my Kodi collection, the second trailer is the movie that is going to be watched.

The second Vue Cinema video buffer was determined by a script which detects the TV it is playing on, in this case a 4K Sony Bravia in my living room. It seemed fitting as the video mentions 4K Sony in it.

The Audio format video buffer detects the audio format of movie (DTS, Dobly, AAC etc) and plays the correct file for that format. You will notice before I start the whole sequence the movie has DTS detected, and the DTS video played just before the main feature film.

So why do I have this? Because it is nearly 10 minutes long. It gives everybody in my house time to get snacks, drinks and take a piss before we watch the film and everybody who is ready doesn’t have to stare at a screen showing the Kodi background 🙂

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