What is Parental Control?
Parental controls are features which may be included in digital television services, computer and video games, mobile devices and software that allow parents to restrict the access of content to their children. These controls were created to assist parents in their ability to restrict certain content viewable by their children. This may be content they deem inappropriate for their age, maturity level or feel is aimed more at an adult audience.
To offer parents more control over the programming and content their children can access, Parental Controls enable parents to selectively block programming by channel or rating. Parental controls are disabled by default, and must be enabled by the master user.

Parental controls fall into roughly four categories:
Content filters: which limit access to age inappropriate content;
Usage controls: which constrain the usage of these devices such as placing time-limits on usage or forbidding certain types of usage.
Computer usage management tools: which enforces the use of certain software.
Monitoring: which can track location and activity when using the devices.

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