Hi Everybody! Just a fun song to remind you all to wash your hands!! The comedian Dana Jay Bein wrote these lyrics to “Coronavirus Rhapsody” sitting on his couch with a cough! It took me days to record this song because I couldn’t stop laughing when I sang it 😂 Stay safe, stay home, healthy and wash your hands!! I love you all!!! Love Kodi ❤️

#queen #washyourhands #stayhome #stayhealthy #danajaybein #coronavirusrhapsody #weareinthistogether #love #music #heckyeah #hotcocoa

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  1. Kodi you are an a amazing person. You are so inspiring to every little kid out in the world ♥️♥️♥️♥️! In fact this is better than the actual song! Honestly dont give up you are so talented and keep up the amazing work! Stay safe during Quarantine. Love you Kodi! Wash your hand for at least 20 seconds or using the happy birthday song 2 times! Also practice social distancing stay 6 feet away and stay safe and were your seatbelts