***Important , thanks to

Everybody make sure you change your tv settings to software auto update = off. ***

Fix Samsung smart iptv app not working 2019 – How to get your app working again after Samsung removed it from appstore. Sideload it to your tv.

Just a few simple steps.

To reload playlist view this :

Samsung has suspended the app from the Apps store. You can manually install the app by using the following options:

Tizen TVs (J/K/M/N/Q/R):

Extract (unzip) the contents of the following Tizen Widget file to the root of the USB drive and insert it to your TV’s USB slot. Make sure the userwidget directory is located in the root of your USB drive. The application will appear on My Apps screen among other apps.

non-Tizen TVs (E/ES/F/H/HU/J4/J52):

Extract (unzip) the contents of the following Orsay Widget file to the root of USB drive and insert it to your TV’s USB slot. The SmartIPTV directory should be located in the root of your USB drive. The application will appear on a Samsung Apps screen among other apps.

Important! The application does NOT work on D series or older Samsung TVs.


  1. My Samsung tv Series is ue55ju6050. I installed Siptv via usb but after i turn on the tv again its removed to my apps i haved 3 time installed and upload my playlist its work but when i again turn of my tv and turn on it again after 1 hours its again removed. What sould i do?