Osebo the Zaraman was on HitzFM and made some remarks which Firestick addressed later on iG Live. #Firestick #Osebozaraman

Watch Firestick’s Full Video here =


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  1. The funny thing about firestick is that none of these brands he's protecting their brands and calling out China fakes doesn't make any money from these brands. You're not a brand ambassador for them instead You're making the more money because you keep buying more and more with his youtube money 😂😂

  2. what osebo was trying to say was not about fake things that are obviously visible.. Headless listen to osebo well and be factual please.. the guy behind him in the video even made similar comment you are saying and he corrected him. some fake things could be easily noticed but some stuffs unless yo probably hold or physically see before you can judge.. he gave example like the iphone but you have gotten him wrong.. Firestick is a fool to me because what people choose to wear is none of his business provided they're not buying with his.. leave people to live and wear what they want..

  3. Image copyright basically means you can’t download that picture and use it to sell ur product without their permission.. Example if u try to use that picture on Facebook or most of the social media platforms, ur advert will be blocked… That is all. I think Zaraman should be educated…

  4. I don’t like fire stick but literally everything osebo has posted online that I’ve seen, is 100% rep I’ve never seen that man in anything legit. EVER And yes u can tell a rep from a legit simple based on photos because reps are not legally allowed to make their shoes 1:1 so the cuts are off, stitching is usually off, the tongues be off too and if it’s Jordan’s, the box toe is always off.

  5. Guys lets get this right Dori is a fashion brand made in Italy. Those of us thinking that dori is a fake version of dior lacks insight and we need to learn. Dori is an original brand under the Nappa Dori brand in italy. I hope people do extensive research before putting their views out there. It could be that Osebo sells banku but there's a clothing brand called Dori in Italy

  6. I don't like firestick comments sometimes but on this occasion he is right. Does osebo even understand the word copyright 😂? Osebo has used his mouth to defend the banku and it's says a lot. If u are lying lie big time😂, chairman is very brave. It's like a thief stealing a polytank. It's either u go big or u go home with nothing. 😂😂