The battle between lawsuits & illegal streaming services continues. There has been another crackdown by police and 4 people have been arrested with 200 cease and desist notices sent out. Police claim the user count could be more than 500,000 that could have seen disruption.

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  1. Hi, free tech. If they made subscriptions cheaper, then maybe it might be different. Av seen people on tik tok trying to sell iptv services. Plus, it only takes a Google search for iptv, and you get loads popped up. Most of them give you a free trial before you buy . But it would be nice to see what if subscriptions were cheaper, would it make a difference.

  2. Awesome video brother. Thanks for sharing. We are always hearing about these services being shut down. There are quite a bit out here free and some cheaper legal services. Keep the content coming. Hope you have an incredible night. Much love and RESPECT

  3. So… if I've got this correct, they expect you to sit in a cold house you can't afford to heat, eating raw turnips you can't afford to cook, staring at a TV with BBC or ITV sh*te as your only entertainment?
    Bugger me…. come to Spain people…. oh… hang on.. ๐Ÿ™ˆ

  4. im not worried the world is about to have a nuclear war with russia and yes it is coming and yes you will see a mushroom cloud so tv is not going to matter as nothing ill be working , if some of you survive lets meet one day at Stonehenge if its still there and what we will do is hunt down anyone from government if they survive , be prepared now people stock up dig a bunker in your back garden make sure you have enough food and water for at least 4 months try and put wooden pallets on garden to protect the soil so you can regrow after its safe , take this as a warning it is going to happen.