KODIFIREIPTVYouTube Channel Suspended But We’re Back!

February, 14th, 2020
First off, Happy Valentines Day!  I hope you and your family have an awesome day and weekend.
I kindly ask that you read this entire post, as I’m asking you for a simple click at the bottom.
On Wednesday, February 2nd, we were notified by YouTube that our KODIFIREIPTVchannel had been permanently suspended.
We had exceeded 260,000 subscribers prior to the channel being removed from YouTube.

What Happened

If YouTube finds that your video doesn’t meet their Community Guidelines, they will issue a strike against your account.
Once you receive a strike, they give you an opportunity to appeal it.
If your channel receives three strikes, it will be permanently suspended.
Before we go any further, it’s important to note that I’ve never used examples of movies or TV shows that are protected by copyright in my videos.  I’ve always provided examples of how to stream works that fall under the public domain such as Night of the Living Dead.
In early January, we received a “strike” on an old Exodus Kodi video.  The violation was categorized as “Harmful or Dangerous Content”.
I appealed this strike, indicating that the content was not harmful or dangerous by their definition outlined here.
I also cited the thousands of other videos on YouTube covering the exact same techniques.  Why are we being discriminated against?
A week passed and we received another strike on our Exodus Redux Kodi video.  This violation was also categorized as “Harmful or Dangerous Content”.
I then proceeded to submit another appeal.
Also, at this time, I unlisted all of my Kodi addon and build videos to ensure that I wouldn’t receive a third strike.  But, I must have missed an old one from 2018.
On Tuesday, we received an email that our account had received a third strike for Supremacy Kodi Addon video from early 2018.  This is the one that I must have missed.  Yes, I know that I should have taken my time going through these videos.  But, not sure it would have mattered as they would have found another way to get rid of us.
In this email, YouTube provided me with a chance to appeal the termination of the account.
I sent in an appeal through their online form indicating that I never received any update on my previous two appeals for the strikes that I had received.  How can they terminate my account when the previous two appeals hadn’t even been answered?
Approximately twenty minutes went by and I received the following email which appears to be an automated reply.  I’ve never received a reply back from Google in 20 minutes.  This is hilarious!
Thank you for your account suspension appeal. We have decided to keep your account suspended based on our Community Guidelines and Terms of Service. Please visit http://www.youtube.com/t/community_guidelines for more information.
The YouTube Team
Our YouTube channel has been the main catalyst for building the KODIFIREIPTVbrand for the past six years.  Many of you are here today because of a video that you watched on our YouTube channel.

We Need Your Help

I’ve launched a new KODIFIREIPTVYouTube channel and I’m in the midst of adding our popular videos to it.  This will take some time.
From here forward, the channel will focus on topics pertaining to cord-cutting, but in a way that will hopefully avoid future strikes.
Please help me and click the link below and subscribe to our new KODIFIREIPTVYouTube Channel.
Your free subscription is a positive indicator that I should keep creating videos.

Thank you for being a KODIFIREIPTVFan!  You ladies and gentlemen are the best!
Please share this post with your friends and family and encourage them to subscribe to our new YouTube page as well.
Stream On,
P.S.  Moving forward, there will be exclusive tutorials on our Website and not on YouTube.  Be sure to visit our Website on a regular basis and better yet, subscribe to our Weekly KODIFIREIPTVNewsletter so you don’t miss anything.
P.P.S.  For those of you trolls or competitors who may have brought this upon us, please know that you will never outwork me or any of my team members.  We’re here to stay!
Please let us know what you think of this KODIFIREIPTVYouTube Suspension in the comments section below.

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