Semi Finals AGT 2019 Play List

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  1. Now that's rough right there. You have a brother who has such a unique, phenomenal talent, and you're proud of him so much that you want to give him a hug, but unfortunately, due to his Autism, he doesn't like being touched, and therefore tries to avoid the hug. That's really tough. A tough situation to be in.

  2. Kodi Lee no matter if he wins or not on America got talent he is a winner in real life he has over come and still is over coming Autism’s and blindness he has shown the world not to give up on any one who has a disability of any kind if given a chance and it starts with family first as shown by Kodi Lee’s family their love and understanding and support and then with public acceptance and understanding god bless you Kodi you have shown us all never give up on a dream so no matter what happens on the show you are a Winner you have change the world 🌺🌎

  3. Weee I was on the edge of my seat I am so so there are no words to express this special moment he has change the world god bless I never forget what I view on the show last night it tops everything I ever witnessed in my life so yes Kodi you have change every person you will never be forgotten and god bless your family because it starts at home and a mother’s love 💕 a family love ❤️ but especially a mothers love 💕 thank you Kodi you have touch so many and you will continue too